Upcoming Travels

spain4 spain3 spain7 spain8spain13  spain10 spain1spain6 spain2 spain9  spain5 spain11spain12  espanaIt doesn’t take long after one adventure until I am ready for the next. Whether it be transatlantic, across the country, or an hour away I’m always looking forward to seeing what else is going on in the world. This time that intrigue is taking me to Spain.

I think if I had to sum up my excitement in a few words I would choose: churros, churros, churros, wine, churros.

(Just kidding. Sort of.)

I’ll be traveling around the northern half of the country. Naturally I’ve already started to read all of the city guides I can find in hopes of being aware of the best markets to get authentic food and the best parks to spend an afternoon in.

I’m really excited for how many cities I’ll be getting to visit, there is so much to be excited about: architecture, the language, the views, the culture, the paella, the music, the locals, the romance, the churros…did I say that already?

I can’t wait to bring you along. The countdown has started.


Speak to you all soon!




*all photos were found on Pinterest, graphics by Lauren Cunningham

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  1. Pingback: Bucket List… | decomomblog

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