Silver Lining | Personal Style


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Photos by Eric Tra

Ever since turning 24 in February I’ve been rewriting my life mantras. I’ve been learning a lot about myself and establishing what matters most to me in this world then separating those from what I think might be toxic. For example:

Things that are toxic: Neglecting to purchase something that you’re personally drawn to because you think other people won’t respond to them the same way you do. I struggled with this for a long time. I was constantly asking myself “What if people think I look weird?” and then hesitantly putting that pair of metallic harem pants back on the rack.

Things that are not toxic: Allowing yourself to buy whatever the hell you want because you’re an independent person who doesn’t just follow trends, but instead sets them. Trends like METALLIC SILVER PLATFORMED SHOES.

I don’t think I’ve ever experienced love at first sight in the way that I did when I sleepily stumbled across these babies on Shopbop one night around my birthday.

I’d been feeling very blasé about many of the styles I’d been scrolling through, but these oxfords by Opening Ceremony could not have made me feel any more alive. I was in love. I constantly admired and talked about them for two weeks before my friends got tired of hearing me obsess over them and urged me to buy them…so I did.

They’re grungy. They’re minimal. They’re shiny. They’re PERFECT. One small step for my closet, one giant step for me serving Xenon: Girl of the 21st Century realness.

New Life Mantra #2: Do you. Wear whatever you want because YOU like it. Be fearless. Feel flawless.

Buying these shoes wasn’t just a sporadic chasse into my spring wardrobe, but a step deeper into my identity. Every time I wear them I feel fiercely confident and undeniably myself. Who cares if people like them or not? They aren’t wearing the shoes – I am.

Speak to you soon!


Spring Mood 2015 | Fashion Inspo


Regardless of the fact that much of the US is quite under the weather right now (pun intended), Seattle is in one of the few regions that’s experiencing super pleasant weather (complete with peeks of sun). This not only means that I have been experiencing HIGH amounts of energy and outputting major positivity, but also that I’ve started preemptively planning my spring wardrobe.

Developing wardrobes for seasons is new for me; it’s something that’s come as a result of having a really solidified aesthetic for my personal style. Before I get into the thick of developing the capsule (new vocab word for me) I try to envision what I want my closet to embody for the next few months and what kinds of pieces I’ll need to be able to maximize its potential. A big help for doing this? A mood board. A collection of images, colors, textures, and shapes that will sway the purchases I make into becoming a cohesive collection of pieces.

Define some goals for yourself to get started. This spring my fashion goals are:

  • To utilize texture in order to create interest in outfits, not only physical texture but graphic texture as well.
  • To collect pieces in a minimal/neutral color palette so the shapes can speak for themselves
  • To find a pleasing balance of tomboy and feminine
  • Heavy contrast in color and feel (soft vs hard)
  • To look like Alexa Chung as often as possible.


Developing a capsule wardrobe for a season can be a tough task, luckily Caroline from Unfancy has some pretty sick tips for getting started.

To see more of my aesthetic check out my tumblr and my Pinterest.

Good luck!

Speak to you soon,
